Red Libraries

Red libraries in audio productions

Red libraries in Audio productions

Film and Video game :


Valhalla, Thor on a mountain

Mutant Insects used in Valhalla by Peter Albrechtsen

Dark Crystal

dark-crystal-netflixMutant Insects, Red libraries

Mutant Insects used in Dark Crystal TV series (Netflix) by Tim Nielsen from Skywalker sound

Dark Crystal Trailer

Tim Nielsen talks about the sound making off

Sauver ou Périr

Field recording and additional sounds Fx in a french fire station

Franck est Sapeur-Pompier de Paris. Il sauve des gens. Il vit dans la caserne avec sa femme qui accouche de jumelles. Il est heureux. Lors d’une intervention sur un incendie, il se sacrifie pour sauver ses hommes. A son réveil dans un centre de traitement des Grands Brûlés, il comprend que son visage a fondu dans les flammes. Il va devoir réapprendre à vivre, et accepter d’être sauvé à son tour.

Sauver ou périr Trailer

Life is Strange 2 (DontNod)

Life is strange 2 poster

Field recording, Sounds Fx and Foley

Two brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, 16 and 9, are forced to run away from home after a tragic incident in Seattle. In fear of the police, Sean & Daniel head to Mexico while attempting to conceal a sudden and mysterious supernatural power.

Life on the road is tough and now totally responsible for his much younger brother, Sean begins to realize that his decisions will impact their lives forever…

and worked on Twin Mirror and Captain Spirit

VAMPYR (DontNod)

Vampyr Wallpaper, Dontnod

Field recording and additional sounds Fx

Roam the streets of a London devastated by disease.

An action-RPG with a twilight atmosphere, developed using the Unreal Engine 4.
Emerging from the swirling chaos, a tormented being comes back to life. Take on the role of an eminent doctor recently transformed into a vampire, who seeks to understand his new condition as a drinker of blood. His quest, guided by intuition, discovery and ordeal, will be punctuated with death and drama as he attempts to stave off the irrepressible thirst pushing him to take the lives of others.

Who will you sacrifice? Who will you save? How will you live with the consequences of your choices? Your decisions will shape your fate as you cling to what’s left of your humanity while delving into the mysteries surrounding the origin of the Spanish Flu.
Explore the sinister atmosphere of London at the start of the 20th Century during the worst epidemic in modern history. Play as a powerful and tormented Vampire, determined to pierce the veil of secrets surrounding your new nature: still a man of science, you are now also a creature of the night, and your cruelest combat will be with yourself.
Create your own style of combat using a wide choice of weaponry and vampiric skills to confront a unique and varied bestiary. Hunt down human prey to feed, but be careful, as your choices will have a significant influence on your development and may forever seal the fate of London.

Vampyr E3 2017 Trailer

SEAL Team (CBS Tv)

Seal Team Movie, Cbs tv

Bodyfall sound collection

The lives of the elite Navy S.E.A.L.s as they train, plan and execute the most dangerous, high-stakes missions our country can ask.

Charles Maynes wrote :

“I have been using the Red Libraries bodyfall collection (along with a number of the Red Libraries collections) regularly on the US TV Series “Seal Team” on CBS- the detail and quality of the recordings is exceptional and very useful for the needs I have on the show, I would not hesitate to instinctively trust the Red Team on any of their releases to satisfy my artistic and aesthetic requirements!” Charles Maynes, sound designer “Seal Team”

SEAL Team Trailer

Dishonored 2 (Arkane studios)

Dishonored 2-Emily-Arkane studio

Field recording and additional sounds Fx

The series takes place in the fictional Empire of the Isles with the majority of Dishonored 2 set in the coastal city of Karnaca and is set fifteen years after the events of the first game. After Empress Emily Kaldwin is deposed by an “otherworldly usurper”, the player may choose between playing as either Emily or her bodyguard and father Corvo Attano as they attempt to reclaim the throne.

Both Emily and Corvo employ their own array of supernatural abilities. They can alternatively decide to forfeit them altogether. There are a multitude of ways to succeed in each given mission, from stealth to purposeful violent conflict.

Ideas for a sequel to Dishonored began while developing its downloadable content, which spawned the decision to create a voice for Corvo Attano after being a silent character in the first installment. Emily Kaldwin was first proposed as a playable character and brought about the advancement of the timeline. The design was influenced by paintings and sculptures. Set in the new fictional city of Karnaca, its history was invented over the course of one year. The city itself was based on southern European countries like Greece, Italy, and Spain, drawing on the architecture, fashion, and technologies of 1851.

Dishonored 2-Arkane-Street ok Karnaca

Frederic Devanlay / Senior sound designer

A sound effect interview

Designing sound interview

Remember Me (DontNod)

Field recording and additional sounds Fx

remember-me-neo-paris-night1Remember me, Red libraries, Dontnod, Big wheels studio





Remember Me (video game) is a 3rd person action/adventure game where players take on the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories. The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets out on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society. “Everyday Life in Paris” was an excellent ressource to add real acoustical ingredients in those futuristic atmospheres


Life is Strange (DontNod)

Field recording and additional sounds Fx

Trailer LifeLife is strange, red libraries, Dontnod, Big wheels studio

Life Is Strange (video game) is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future.

You are Max, a photography senior who saves her old friend Chloe by discovering she can rewind time. The pair soon find themselves exposed to the darker side of Arcadia Bay as they uncover the disturbing truth behind the sudden disappearance of a fellow student.

Meanwhile, Max begins to have premonitions as she struggles to understand the implications of her power. She must quickly learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future.

• A beautifully written modern adventure game

• Rewind time to change the course of events.
• Multiple endings depending on the choices you make.
• Striking, hand-painted visuals
• Distinct, licensed indie soundtrack

Testimonial :

Red Libraries have been a great support at DontNod for both Remember Me and Life Is Strange. They’re easy to use and particularly well organized and designed for the video games industry.”

Sébastien Gaillard / Audio Director at DontNod

Frederic Devanlay / Senior sound designer

RememberMe Trailer

The Model

Field recording and Everyday life in Paris sound collection

The Model, Red libraries, Everyday life in parisThe Model (film), when emerging fashion model Emma gets a chance to pursue her dream of becoming an international top model, she leaves her everyday life in Denmark behind, and moves to Paris. At a photo shoot in her new hometown, she meets the attractive photographer Shane White and they fall in love. But their relationship soon turns into a dangerous obsession for Emma.

Testimonial :The Model - sound team

Peter Albrechtsen : “I really wanted the sounds of the city to be a character in the film. The only way to achieve that was getting some local assistance and Cedric and Frédéric had amazing enthusiasm from the beginning. They started recording some wonderful sounds even before picture editing began so that we could use the ambiences from the very beginning of the post-production process. The movie was edited by a very experienced Danish editor, Pernille Bech Christensen, who’s really into sound and because of Fred and Cedric’s work she could use the proper city sounds immediately.”

the Model TrailerEveryday life in Paris library was create for The Model

Creative-fieldrecording interview